Bungalow Demo

The second phase of our Tandem House project kicked off with the demolition of the 1940’s bungalow. The design drawings give the perception of a pop-top so when we knocked the house down to the basement foundation walls neighbors, family and friends were surprised. We made the decision very early on in the design process to demo the existing brick walls so that we could use SIP panels for the new house structure. That way the house is insulated (as the original home had no insulation) and we can achieve a ‘tighter’ building envelope. Below are images and a time-lapse video of the house being demoed. You can see the meticulous process of knocking each wall down and going back in to save the brick which was stacked aside for the masonry crew when it comes time to re-build the facade. In the end, the house will look like a pop-top but will be built with more modern and efficient practices.

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